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About Us

American youth face immense challenges in today's national economy, marked by a fiercely competitive job market, soaring rental and childcare costs, exorbitant education expenses, and rising mental health issues. These dire conditions stem from an insidious trifecta of greedy corporations, out-of-touch politicians, and exploitative social media firms.


Democratic Youth Wave PAC is the solution to amplify youth power and influence in shaping policies for the betterment of all Americans. Effective policies for the youth translate into improved livelihoods for the entire nation, instilling hope in our younger generation. A nation without hope is a nation without a future.


Founded by Nantambu Foley, a former aide to Congressman Jonathan Jackson, Democratic Youth Wave PAC is dedicated to supporting challengers and incumbents who champion youth causes in Congress, state legislatures, and city councils.



We believe in the power of informed youth, who can shape the future, influence policies, and create a blue wave that secures us the House and the Senate

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower and mobilize the youth of America to exercise their right to vote and influence the future of our nation. We believe that young voices are crucial in shaping policies and driving progress. Through comprehensive education, engaging outreach programs, and innovative digital campaigns, we aim to increase voter turnout among young people and ensure their concerns and aspirations are represented in the electoral process. Together, we can build a more inclusive, just, and forward-thinking society by encouraging the next generation to take an active role in democracy. Join us in making a difference—because your vote is your voice, and your voice matters​


Our Vision

The Democratic Youth Wave PAC envisions a future where the voices of young people are amplified and their influence on democratic processes is profound. Our goal is to empower the youth, foster active civic engagement, and advocate for policies that address the unique challenges and aspirations of young people. We aim to create a vibrant political movement driven by the energy, creativity, and vision of the younger generation.

Join the Movement!

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